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Alcohol: Not Gender-Neutral

The Female Factor: Alcohol is Not Gender-aNeutral Given the growing popularity of the cocktail culture and wine time, it’s important to know that alcohol affects women very differently than men…

When Are the Best Years of Our Lives?

Life’s Happiness Continuum Is there a predetermined peak age for happiness, before which our normal outlook is gloomy and melancholy and after which we slump back into these non-euphoric ways?…

Manage Prescription Drugs Effectively

Managing Prescription Drugs: From Pickup to Take Back If you are not taking your prescription medications as directed (or at all), you’re far from alone. Compliance is estimated at just…

When Are the Best Years of Our Lives?

Happiness Continuum: When Are the Best Years of Our Lives? Is there a predetermined peak age for happiness, before which our normal outlook is gloomy and melancholy and after which…

Prescription Drugs, From Pickup to Takeback

Safe Passage: Navigating Your Prescription Drugs, From Pickup to Takeback If you are not taking your prescription medications as directed (or at all), you’re far from alone: Compliance is estimated…

Kidney Stones: Treatment & Prevention

This Too Shall Pass: Treating and Preventing Kidney Stones More common, frequently less painful and far more preventable than reputed, kidney stones have, entered a new era of highly effective,…

Kidney Stones: Treatment & Prevention

This Too Shall Pass: Treating and Preventing Kidney Stones More common, frequently less painful and far more preventable than reputed, kidney stones have, thankfully, entered a new era of highly…

Keto Diet: Right for You?

Considering Keto: Is It the Right Diet for You? The truth is that a silver bullet for weight loss likely does not exist, but Americans’ perpetual search continues unabated. Low-carb…

Keto Diet: Right for You?

Considering Keto: Is It the Right Diet for You? The truth is that a silver bullet for weight loss likely does not exist, but Americans’ perpetual search continues unabated. Low-carb…

Fighting Fatigue

Wake-up Call: Fighting Fatigue at Its Roots Feel like you are fighting fatigue throughout the day, the joy in life slowly diminishing and your active lifestyle becoming a distant memory?…